Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Herman Van Ommen and the Attempted Character Assassination of British Columbia Lawyer John Frederick Carten

Herman Van Ommen 
When the lawyers working for the Attorney General of British Columbia were caught, breaking the law in a clandestine attempt to confer a bulk water export monopoly on "friends of the government", by British Columbia lawyer, John Frederick Carten, they turned to their cronies and pals at the Law Society of British Columbia for assistance to destroy Mr. Carten and, eventually, the Law Society hired Herman Van Ommen.

The strategy of the Law Society of British Columbia was straightforward.  Get Mr. Carten into the hands of a psychiatrist, destroy his reputation and professional status and, co-incidentally, destroy the legitimacy of the allegations he was making about the corruption inside the Ministry of the Attorney General.

Unfortunately, for the Law Society, Mr. Carten  was two steps ahead of them because, in 1997, he had obtained a legal opinion from the Toronto Office of McCarthy Tetrault, the legal firm that employed Herman Van Ommen, and that legal opinion verified the allegations made by Mr. Carten.  Click here to view the legal opinion by McCarthy Tetrault.

Nonetheless, the Law Society of British Columbia was so intoxicated with its own power and so manifestly corrupt that it blithely pushed on and assigned Herman Van Ommen the task of executing the strategy of  character assassination by psychiatry and Herman Van Ommen, instead of doing his professional duty of ascertaining the truth of the allegations of corruption inside the Ministry of the  Attorney General retained Vancouver area psychiatrist, Dr. Stephen Kline and Dr. Kline issued a devious letter calling into question Mr. Carten's sanity, when he had never met Mr. Carten, never spoken with his family doctor, never examined his medical records, and had only read a handful of, approximately twenty, letters written by Mr. Carten wherein he expressed the opinion, "the political opinion", that certain lawyers and judges in British Columbia were corrupt, hardly a startling opinion given the nature of British Columbia society, but one that was very dangerous when put forth logically and coherently by someone as well schooled and experienced in the law as Mr. Carten had become over his 22 years in private law practise.  Click here to read more about Dr. Kline and his colleague, law society bencher and psychiatrist Maellor Vallance.

The plan backfired on the Law SocietyMr. Carten immediately called foul because Herman Van Ommen had a clear conflict of interest due to the fact that McCarthy Tetrrault has been retained by Mr. Carten several years earlier on the matter.  Mr. Van Ommen withdrew with his tail between his legs.

The Law Society persisted, hired Vancouver lawyer, Henry Wood, who followed the same strategy and informed Mr. Carten that it was the position of the Law Society that he could not practise law again in British Columbia unless he agreed to undergo a psychiatric assessment by one of their hand picked psychiatrists.  Mr. Carten was aware of strategy of "character assassination by psychiatry" employed against other British Columbia lawyers, i.e. Jack Cram and Karl Eisbrenner, and suggested that, in the interests of fairness, the Law Society,  a de facto government agency, use a psychiatrist who was not dependent on the continuing goodwill of the Government of British Columbia, such as one who practised medicine in Seattle, Washington, or Los Angeles, California. The Law Society declined Mr. Carten's reasonable offer.

When Mr. Carten filed a complaint with the British Columbia Human Rights Tribunal, the Attorney General selected a member of the Law Society of British Columbia, as all Tribunal members were, to hear the complaint which was later dismissed.  This is how the crooked game is played in British Columbia.  

So, Mr. Carten took the Law Society of British Columbia, Herman Van Ommen and McCarthy Tetrault to court, Canada's Federal Court, and, over the next three years, 22 people linked to the lawsuit have suddenly died, many in circumstances that suggest they were murdered.   Click here to visit the Graveyard of the Guilty.

Justice Ian Binnie
The case arrived at the Supreme Court of Canada on April 4, 2011, and, on May 12, 2011, about five weeks later, former McCarthy Tetrault law partner,  Supreme Court of Canada Justice Ian Binnie, caught in a conflict of interest, and, possibly, exposed as an active player in the crimes committed, suddenly resigned from the court.  Click here to read about the story behind the sudden resignation of |Justice |Ian Binnie.

We caution the reader that simply because Justice Ian Binnie suddenly resigned because it was pointed out, in court documents, that he could not sit on the case due to a conflict of interest does not make him a criminal.  However, the reader should also be aware that Justice Ian Binnie had the option of remaining on the court, where he earns about $250,000 a year, and simply not participate in any hearings involving the case.

In the editors opinion, Justice Ian Binnie quit his job because he was being questioned about his knowledge of the crimes and he did not wish to answer the questions, and the option for him was to answer the questions, or resign.

So, we will let the reader be the judge.  Is Justice Ian Binnie a crook? 

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Herman Van Ommen and the Destruction of Dr. John David Kuntz

Doctors At Work Saving Lives and Healing People
The story of the destruction of Dr. John David Kuntz, a brilliant Canadian orthopaedic surgeon who pioneered the development of spinal disk replacement surgery, is one of the greatest scandals in Canadian history.  The story of the destruction of Dr. John David Kuntz and the looting of millions of Canadian taxpayers dollars is better told elsewhere and we refer the interested reader
http://drkuntz.blogspot.com which contains a brief outline of the story and the motives of the various players involved in this Crime Against Humanity through the destruction of a great Canadian healer.

Herman Van Ommen 
On this blog, we are only interested in exposing the role of Herman Van Ommen the "hit man" hired by the Law Society of British Columbia to destroy Dr. Kuntz's lawyer, so that Dr. Kuntz would never be able to present his case in court with professional representation and so the lame and the crippled would remain uncured and unhealed.

This is how the legal and judicial mafia in British Columbia operates and no one in that province is safe until they are exposed, brought to justice, destroyed, and put in jail where they belong.

The Vancouver legal and judicial mafia sent a Vancouver judge to the US, where he had no jurisdiction, to find witnesses to discredit Dr. Kuntz's lawyer, Ted Ewachniuk of Vancouver.  Ewachniuk had been a thorn in the side of the legal and judicial mafia in Vancouver due to his flamboyant litigation style and great success record winning large awards for injured persons.  To the legal and judicial mafia, intent on destroying and burying Dr. Kuntz, Ted Ewachnuik was a huge threat because he was competent and he knew how to go for the jugular.
The Law Society of British Columbia was involved in this investigation and they sent along a supposedly independent Law Society investigator, Herman Van Omen, to the US for that hearing of the witnesses who would be used to destroy Ted Ewachniuk.Barbara Norel
Barbara Norel 
It was during a taxi trip, in the USA, when Ewachniuk and Van Omen shared a cab travelling from one hearing site that had been changed to another location, that Ewachniuk began to discuss the Kuntz case with Van Ommen.  Herman van Ommen objected stating he could not discuss the case because Ewachniuk's client, Dr. Kuntz, was suing Van Ommen's wife, Barbara Norel, who worked for Harper Grey Easton, the law firm that usually represented the Canadian Medical Protective Association, that was also a defendant in the lawsuit Mr. Ewachniuk had filed on behalf of Dr. Kuntz.  Hence, Herman Van Ommen was not an impartial Law Society Investigator sent to the USA to investigate Mr. Ewachniuk in those extra-judicial, extra-territorial hearings in the USA where the judge had no jurisdiction to persecute and punish a perjurer.

This was a violation of Ewachniuk's S.11(d) Charter rights to a fair hearing by the Law Society which was present, by sending Herman Van Omen to the USA to gather the false evidence of a "remorseful liar" heard by a Canadian Judge,  Justice Mackenzie.

MacKenzie was a former law partner at Vancouver law firm of Guild Yule that has previously represented the Canadian Medical Protective Association and he was now involving himself in a case where he had a conflict of interest due to the fact that his former partners at Guild Yule were now acting as counsel for Harper Grey Easton.

In light of these facts, the logical conclusion and considered legal opinion is that the trip to the USA by MacKenzie and Herman Van Ommen was organized for the express purpose of discrediting Ted Ewakniuk, the last in a series of lawyers that included Robert Gardner Q.C., Jack Cram, and A. Ted Ewachniuk, all of whom were destroyed by the Law Society of British Columbia.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Herman Van Ommen and Harold Gaffney

When senior citizen Harodl Gaffney complained to the Law Society of British Columbia that Vancouver lawyer R. Keith Oliver had committed the criminal offence of violating a Court Order, the Law Society of British Columbia appointed Herman Van Ommen  to investigate the complaint and Herman Van Ommen exonerated R. Keith Oliver on the basis that R. Keith Oliver did not personally benefit from the funds he, wrongfully, in violation of the Court Order, took from his trust account where the funds were held, in part, for the benefit of Harold Gaffney.

Well, a crime is a crime and, in our opinion, it was either naive or corrupt for Herman Van Ommen to exonerate R. Keith Oliver did because there was no evidence that R. Keith Oliver took a direct benefit from the funds.    
This case is discussed more fully at the Justice4You Web Site

More coming ... 

Friday, May 20, 2011

Herman Van Omen and the Destruction of Canadian Lawyer Karl Eisbrenner

Herman Van Ommen, a Weasal of a Man
Herman Van Ommen is a partner with the giant Canadian law firm of McCarthy Tetrault.  Herman practices law in Vancouver, British Columbia, and frequently represents the Law Society of British Columbia in cases involving allegations of professional mis-conduct by lawyers.  It was in this capacity that Herman Van Ommen crossed paths with British Columbia lawyer Karl Eisbrenner who was exposing political corruption in British Columbia, that most corrupt of Canadian provinces.

The Law Society of British Columbia has a reputation for deviousness and corruption which should come as no surprise to readers because Vancouver and other parts of British Columbia are controlled by various organized crime groups.

Karl Eisbrenner presented a problem for the Law Society of British Columbia and his story is better told at the web site dedicated to his memory http://karleisbrenner.blogspot.com/ . On this blog our focus is the role of Herman van Ommen and the devious strategy of character assassination by psychiatry employed by the corrupt employees and the Law Society.

When the Law Society of British Columbia decided it needed to dis-bar and dis-credit Karl Eisbrenner and his cliients, 188 senior citizens whose retirement lives were thrown into chaos by an allegedly illegal mining operation carried on by British Columbia politician, Bill Barisoff,  they hired Vancouver psychiatrist, Dr. Jeanette Smith, to conduct a psychiatric assessment of Karl Eisbrenner.  Dr. Jeanette Smith wrote a report in which she declared that Karl Eisbrenner was delusional about the case he was working on.  The problem with the report of Dr. Jeanette Smith is that she never interviewed a single witness and never read a single affidavit from the case - a fact she admitted under cross-examination by Mr. Eisbrenner at his disbarrment hearing. So, how could she possibly state that Karl Eisbrenner was delusional about the facts if she never checked the facts.  This is not rocket science. It is common sense and basic science.

The problem for Herman Van Ommen is that, as a lawyer, he should have known, and, probably, did know, that the report of Dr. Smith was bogus.

Firstly, we say Herman Van Ommen should have known the psychiatric report was bogus because as a competent lawyer, Herman Van Ommen, would have known that a psychiatrist cannot determine that a lawyer is delusional about a lawsuit without checking the facts and, based on the record of the proceedings at  the Law Society hearing that disbarred Karl Eisbrenner, Herman Van Ommen would have known that Dr. Jeanette Smith admitted under Oath that she had not checked the facts of the case to see if Karl Eisbrenner was delusional or not.

Secondly, we say that because he was the Law Society lawyer, Herman Van Ommen would probably have been well aware of the Law Society strategy of character assassination by psychiatry - a strategy the Law Society has used in other cases.  

So, in our opinion. when Karl Eisbrenner appealed his disbarment to the British Columbia Court of Appeal, Herman Van Ommen knew that the disbarment had been procured by fraudulent means and, by remaining silent, Herman Van Ommen, in our opinion, engaged in obstruction of justice and carried out fraud on the court.